Our team

Prof. Arthur Chan is an atmospheric chemist at University of Toronto’s Department of Chemical Engineering. His research focuses on the origin health effects of air pollution. His group will be responsible for collecting house dust samples and quantifying wildfire related toxins in these samples. He leads and coordinates the FACET research project.

Dr. Chung-Wai Chow is works as a physician and researcher at the University Health Network of University of Toronto. Her research focuses on lung transplantation and the effect of air pollution on lung health. Her team will determine to which degree inhaling wildfire ashes is detrimental to lung health.

Dr. Jeff Brook is a research scientist at Environment and Climate Change Canada, and a professor at University of Toronto’s Dalla Lana School of Public Health. He is an internationally known expert on urban air quality and air quality-health linkages who will support the project with his extensive experience in collecting house dust samples.

Prof. Sarah Styler is an atmospheric chemist at University of Alberta’s Department of Chemistry. Her groups will study how the chemical composition of wildfire ashes changes over time.

Prof. Edmond Young is a researcher at University of Toronto’s Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering who is currently developing a microfluidic lung model (“airway-on-a-chip”) to study the toxic effects of air pollution without animal trials.

Dr. Marcelo Cypel is the disaster medicine expert in FACET. His area of expertise is in disaster medicine, specifically acute lung injury, and the use of artificial lung devices. Based on his experience, he will advise the team on health impacts following catastrophic ash exposure in fires.

Dr. Lukas Kohl is an environmental chemist and a post-doctoral fellow at University of Toronto. He works closely with Arthur Chan to organize sample collection, chemical analysis of toxins, and general project coordination.