Emma R. Master

E MasterProfessor
B.Sc. (McGill), Ph.D. (UBC), Post-doc., KTH, Stockholm Sweden
Principal Investigator,  Bioproducts Research Lab
Room: WB420C | Tel: 416-946-7861 | Email: emma.master@utoronto.ca



Canadian Society of Microbiologists
American Society for Microbiology

Research Interests

Biocatalytic synthesis of bio-based materials and chemicals

Plants sustainably synthesize the most abundant and among the most diverse biopolymers and biochemicals on Earth. By applying recent advances in life sciences (e.g. genomics, high-throughput functional screens, protein design), we are developing microbial enzymes and non-lytic proteins that fine-tune the chemical, physical and morphological properties of main plant fibre components, namely cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignins. In this way, our aim is to focus the exquisite selectivity of biocatalysts on upgrading renewable biopolymers for broader use in resource-efficient and high-value material applications. Our approach to developing value-added products from renewable bioresources benefits from three key advantages of biocatalytic reactions, 1) high specificity that is critical to controlled modification of complex starting materials, 2) moderate reaction requirements that retain valuable properties of starting plant materials (e.g. degree of polymerization), and 3) ready “programmability” of biocatalysts through protein engineering, to optimize reaction efficiency and specificity.

The biotechnologies developed through our research support the establishment of circular economies that reduce GHG emissions while creating new opportunities for forest and agricultural sectors.

Selected Publications